Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to Reduce Price of Making Driving License in Jakarta?

This crazy idea came from my lecturer. I like his idea.

Have you ever made driving license in Jakarta? It is centralized at one place in Jakarta. When you come to that place, there are many driving license brokers offer you to make driving license without taking series of test. Usually, they offer you price around Rp 300,000 that is higher twice from its original price around Rp 100,000.

Why do people often taking shortcut rather than following legal procedure? First, many people do not pass the test. They prefer spend more money rather than waiting 2 weeks to follow 5 hours test again. Second, there are people who do not meet age requirements want to make driving license. It is impossible for them in legal procedure. Third, some officers compound people who are taking the test. I don't know whether it's true or not, but some writings on the internet say that they do plagiarism when doing test, two people with same answers but only one who passes the test. And there are many other reasons.

Is it possible to remove illegal brokers? for many years, we don't see alleviation of illegal brokers. As an alternative, we can make them reduce their price. To reduce the price of making driving license through back door, government must settle several places in Jakarta as places to make driving license. The theory is one place in Jakarta now is doing monopoly. If there are more several places, they will compete to gain customer by lowering their price and escalating their services quality. For example, place A offer price Rp 325,000 and place B offer price Rp 225,000, which place would you choose? of course place B so you can use remain Rp 100,000 to buy siomay or ketoprak. Then place A will lower price too when they know price that place B offered. Do you agree that people would get benefit from this?

If you have another opinion, please share it by writing your comments.


Anonymous said...

The question is, does the government really support the illegal broker?

Also, it depends on the distance between the one who want to make a driving license with the broker. The farther the distance, the less probable will people consider that Rp.100.000.

rulyna said...

No name, but good point. I publish your comment.

Government never support illegal broker. But its supervision is very low.

From many writings on the internet, I read that it's easy to find illegal brokers at the site. One of the writing even mention name of one officer.

Some of sources:
kaskus forum

agus kianto said...

Do u have any references about places to make SIM with the cheapest price? It will be informative enough I think...

Sartika Kurniali said...

I disagree with that. This kind of fee should be a government decision and it should be organized only by related department. So, the amount of fee must be the same everywhere and consistent. The problem is we have a poor government management which allowed corruption and mess all over.

If they want private to enter this kind of process, there should be a clear rules about it. Other wise, it's like going from a tiger's mouth to a crocodile's mouth. The people still lost.

rulyna said...

Illegal brokers usually hard to find, but they will easily find you. They must not show on the surface if they don't want to get caught.

We can not fully blame the government. There will be no supply if demand equal to zero.

langit said...

You may find a civilian police working on that place. He can help you to make driving license with about half price than the brokers, but still more expensive than the normal one. It's about IDR 150K-200K.
I'd tried it.

rulyna said...

I didn't know that there is civilian police at site. Nice info.

Anonymous said...

@langit: I had also tried it, but it didn't work. They didn't want to give the lowest price but they offer me price that is higher than the brokers

rulyna said...

you say that civilian police offer higher price than illegal brokers, how much did they offer? how do you differentiate civilian police from original civilian?

bara said...

I think what Indonesia needed the most is a "simplified procedure".
Right now from what I is that "there is no fixed procedure, there is always an if".

Why people want to use a broker?
Well right now there's a kind of limit on how many papers will be processed, I don't know if it's true or just a make up story by them, usually they say "blankonya habis", menaing you have to return the next day to see if they have the blanko tommorow. (Lucky for them, the broker never seems to run out of blanko).
Also I have seen people making passport waiting a whole day to take a picture (and fingerprint) just to find out that they run out of time and need to return the next day... there is no waiting line, no queue ticket, nothing, just a bunch of people in a room waiting for their names to be called god knows when.

And last is about the price, some people (especially working people) consider that the price for a broker may equally be the same or even cheaper than if they take a leave from their company/work (which could be a few days). not to mention the back and forth traveling cost.

rulyna said...

I never like bureaucracy procedures. They implement rambling procedures. From your story, we can see they give bad services.

Time is money, I agree with you Bara. Simplified procedure could be an alternative to cut down demand for illegal brokers.